Antenna In Volleyball

Are you new to the world of volleyball and wondering what those long sticks on the sides of the net are for? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Those sticks are called antennae, and they play a crucial role in the game of volleyball.

Let’s break it down in simple terms so that even an 8th-grade student can understand.

What are the Antennae?

In volleyball, the antennae are two thin, red-and-white striped rods that are attached to the net. They stand vertically on each side of the net, directly above the sidelines. These rods are about 32 inches long and extend upward from the top of the net.

Why are the Antennae Important?

The antennae help the players, referees, and spectators understand the boundaries of the court when the ball is played above the net. They act like a visual guide to show where the ball should go. If the ball touches or goes outside of the antennae, it means the ball is out of bounds. This helps keep the game fair and ensures that everyone knows when a point is scored correctly.

How Do the Antennae Work in a Game?

During a volleyball game, when a player serves, spikes, or passes the ball, the ball must travel within the area defined by the antennae. Here’s a simple way to understand it:

  • In Bounds: If the ball goes over the net and passes between the antennae, it is considered in bounds.
  • Out of Bounds: If the ball touches or goes outside the antennae, it is out of bounds, and the other team gets a point or the chance to serve.

Why Are They Colored Red and White?

The antennae are colored red and white so they are easy to see. These bright colors stand out against the net and the background, making it clear to everyone watching the game where the boundaries are.

Who Uses the Antennae?

Everyone involved in a volleyball game uses the antennae:

  • Players: They need to aim the ball correctly to keep it in play.
  • Referees: They watch the ball’s path to make fair calls.
  • Coaches: They use it to train players to improve their accuracy.
  • Spectators: They can follow the game better and understand when a ball is in or out.

Fun Fact

Even though they are just simple rods, the antennae play a big role in making volleyball a fair and exciting sport. They help prevent disputes about whether the ball was in or out, allowing the game to flow smoothly.


So, the next time you watch or play volleyball, take a look at the antennae on the net. Now you know that these little rods are there to ensure the game is played fairly and that everyone knows where the ball should go. Understanding the antennae helps you appreciate the game even more! you appreciate the game even more!

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