Yellow and Red Card in Volleyball?

Have you ever witnessed a volleyball match where the referee hands out coloured cards to players? Like in soccer, volleyball has its way of keeping the game in check – with yellow and red, Read the article to learn about the ins and outs of yellow and red cards in volleyball.

What is a yellow card in volleyball?

A yellow card in volleyball is a warning the referee gives a player or coach for violating the game’s rules.

When a player receives a yellow card, they must be careful not to repeat the offence, as another violation could lead to more severe penalties, like a red card or disqualification.

Reasons for Issuing a Yellow Card in Volleyball

  • Discussions with the referees
  • Rude words or gestures towards opponents, the referee or supporters.
  • Excessive enthusiasm to win a point directed at the opposing team
  • slowing down the game
  • Projection to make the game more difficult for opponents

How to Avoid Receiving a Yellow Card in Volleyball?

You should follow some essential guidelines and rules to avoid receiving a yellow card in volleyball.

Don’t use aggressive or dangerous actions that could harm opponents or teammates.

Follow the referee’s instructions promptly and avoid misconduct, such as arguing or using offensive language.

What does a red card mean in volleyball?

 A red card in volleyball means losing a serve and a point to the opposing team. A yellow and red card simultaneously supposes the player’s expulsion until the end of the set. Red and yellow cards shown separately mean the disqualification of the player.

Reasons for issuing a red card

Why can you get a red card? Misconduct is classified into three categories based on the severity of the offence.

Rude conduct:

 Action contrary to good customs or moral principles.

Offensive conduct:

Defamatory or insulting words, gestures, or actions expressing contempt.


Actual physical attack or aggressive or threatening behaviour.

How to Avoid Receiving a Red Card in Volleyball?

Maintain sportsmanship and respect towards opponents, teammates, and referees. Any aggressive behaviour or offensive language can result in a red card.

Refrain from questioning the referee’s decisions aggressively.


Red and Yellow cards at the same time

I’ll be honest with you. I’ve seen a couple of volleyballs where the team gets a red card and loses a point.

But even if this doesn’t work, the referee can go a step further. He can show a particular player a red and yellow card simultaneously.

What does it mean?

Red and yellow cards simultaneously mean an individual sanction for a specific player. It is always an expulsion.

According to FIVB rule, “A team member who is sanctioned with expulsion will not be allowed to play for the rest of the set, must be legally and immediately substituted if on the court and must remain seated in the penalty area. Penalty without other consequences. The ejected coach loses his right to intervene in the set and must remain seated in the penalty area.”

What leads to a ‘sanction’?

In volleyball, a ‘sanction’ results from breaking the rules during a match. It can be a warning, point penalty, or disqualification.

Sanctions happen for unsportsmanlike behaviour, intentional fouls, or repeated rule violations. You must follow the rules and avoid sanctions to play fair and respect the game.


   Levels of Sanctions in Volleyball

Sanctions can be categorized into different levels based on the severity of the offence.

  • Warnings or a loss of serve
  • point awarded to the opposing team or temporary player exclusion.
  • Players’ disqualification from the match or a loss of points for the team.

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